
At Totom House, we care for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 6 years.  The children are grouped into three rooms, mainly according to age: the Junior studio for children aged 6 weeks to 2 years; the Senior studio for children aged 2 to 3-3.5 years and the Preschool studio for all other children, aged 3-5 years.

Child drawing

In each of the rooms, we offer:

  • stable staffing arrangements;
  • supplied bedding, a healthy morning tea, afternoon tea and late snack. Our menu is prepared in consultation with a dietitian from ‘feedAustralia’ and eating times are relaxed and social occasions, so children associate all types of healthy food with pleasant experiences;
  • activities appropriate to each child’s developmental stage, coupled with the opportunity for children to progress when they believe they are ready. Regardless of age and development, these activities include music, art, books corner, dramatic play, sensory play, nature play, physical exercise through outdoor play, and activities which encourage creativity and self-directed exploration in both indoor and outdoor environments.
  • small groups of children working together on a range of different projects, e.g. 5 children engaging in a garden project, giving the children opportunities to develop physical, cognitive and practical skills while learning in a social context, under the careful guidance of a single educator;
  • commitment to teaching children basic life-skills, such as taking on challenges, making connections, communicating, self-control, critical thinking, considering other people, keep trying, etc, through various projects operating across the three rooms but taught through differing techniques and activities appropriate for the developmental level of the children in each room;
  • a bi-weekly music programme with a specialist teacher, in addition to regular activities involving music and movement;
  • a culturally-diverse programme;
  • interaction with children of different ages and skills and frequent sibling interaction;
  • on-going monitoring and recording of the progress of each child’s learning and development, shared with families regularly and upon request. These records form the basis of the planning for the next month’s teaching-learning activities to ensure each child is able to progress at their own pace and in line with their current interest level;
  • regular engagement with the local community;
  • an information evening, formal parent/carer/educator interviews twice a year or upon request, and family events.

Junior studio

In our Junior studio, our main focus is on establishing and fostering a safe and secure relationship with each of the babies in a nurturing environment.  We know that feeling secure and developing a sense of belonging in the care setting is critical to a child’s ability to learn and develop to their potential.

Playing in sandpit

Specific to the Junior studio, we offer:

  • educator-to-child ratio: 5 educators and 15 children;
  • flexibility regarding routines, so the home routine for each child can be maintained as much as is possible;
  • cot rooms, a nappy change room, a breastfeeding room, a safe and engaging indoor and outdoor learning environment, rich in natural and open-ended resources;
  • activities which develop gross motor, sensory and cognitive skills in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Senior studio

At Totom House, we acknowledge that the toddler stage is an exciting time not only for the child but for all those with whom the child is connected.  During the ‘toddler’ years, a child’s growth and development in all aspects is boundless.  Physically they become very competent and can do many things for themselves, they can understand most of what is being said to them and their vocabulary increases every day, and, more importantly, they also begin to develop their emotional intelligence.  In our Senior studio, we respect the children’s growing sense of independence and level of self-confidence by providing guidance and opportunities for them to not only accept, but even welcome, the challenges that come with each new endeavour.

Children playing outdoors

Specifically for the senior studio, we offer:

  • educator-to-child ratio: – 4 educators and 15 children;
  • flexible but semi-directed routines through which each child’s needs are met but which allow each child to begin to learn self-regulation. It is in the senior studio that toilet training begins in cooperation with parents and carers;
  • cooking activities;
  • incursions, excursions, short nature walks around the local area, and, in groups of 2-3, short shopping trips to Kaleen Plaza with an educator.

Preschool studio

In our Preschool studio, our teaching-learning programme consolidates the skills already acquired and also focuses on providing opportunities through which the children can improve their fine motor skills, language and cognition.  We place a special emphasis on the children’s social and emotional development, supporting them as they become more independent, begin to self–regulate and make decisions, and confidently express their ideas, opinions and feelings.

Children painting

Specific to our Preschool studio, we offer:

  • educator-to-child ratio: – 3 educators and 22 children;
  • a qualified Early Childhood teacher;
  • a daily group activity in which children develop the skills of listening to others, of expressing and sharing their ideas, how to negotiate, leading a group, and helping others;
  • an accredited preschool program incorporating early literacy, numeracy and STEM strategies;
  • mini ‘public’ speaking experiences;
  • school visits and a transition from preschool-to-school program;
  • excursions to theatres, nature walks, incursions;
  • a weekly yoga session with a specialist teacher;
  • cooking activities.